India: Taslima Nasreen senza pace

La scrittrice bengalese Taslima Nasreen, presa di mira dalla comunita’ musulmana indiana, e’ stata di nuovo trasferita di citta’. La polizia di Jaipur l’ha fatta partire per Nuova Delhi dopo che organizzazioni islamiche avevano minacciato dimostrazioni se non fosse stata allontanata. I musulmani considerano offensivi ed anti islamici i suoi scritti ed e’ gia’ la seconda volta che Nasreen e’ costretta a cambiare citta’ per motivi di sicurezza.

Fonte: Ansa

Archiviato in: Generale

Un commento

lacrime e sangue

Le sue stesse parole la condannano a morte: “I don’t believe in God, … The religion mongers segregate women from the human race, I too am divided, I too am defrauded of my human rights…”
Atea, femminista, medico e scrittrice: se voleva farsi perseguitare dai fanatici religiosi ha proprio assommato tutti i motivi d’odio. Nella sua conferenza “Religious Extremism and Ethnic Rivalries”, Humanist World Congress in Mexico City 16 November 1996, spiega cosa la spinse a scrivere contro le religioni, qui l’islam: “When I began to study the Koran, the holy book of Islam, I was surprised to see that ‘the sun revolves around the earth.’ I found lots of unreasonable ideas in the Koran. Certainly it was discriminating to women. The women in the Koran are treated as slaves. They are nothing but sexual objects. Naturally I set aside the Koran and looked around me. I found religion equally oppressive in real life. So one day I had to take up my pen and start writing against the various misdeeds in the name of religion, against all the injustice, un- reason and prejudice sanctioned and promoted by religious institutions. I began to try to expose the crimes of religion, particularly the injustice and oppression against women. In my writing I began to speak out against all this. I have already mentioned the result of that.”

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