Monthly Archives: June 2024

The Catholic Church Loses 200 Million From the 8×1000

For the first time, the total amount falls below one billion Euros, reaching 910 million euros The Catholic Church faces a new setback as it has lost 200 million euros from its 8×1000 in the past two years. The Assembly of Bishops has, in fact, reported that this year that the resources allocated by the Ministry of Finance have, once again, decreased to 910 million and 266 thousand euros, from the one billion and 111 million euros in 2022, and… Read more »

School administrators, choose the books of ‘Alternativa’!

The UAAR campaign favoring the official adoption of textbooks catering alternative activities to the teaching of catholic religion continues, as a letter has been sent to 5,403 principals. During the 2023/24 academic year, less than one primary school out of ten adopted the specific textbook for the alternative activities to the teaching of catholic religion program (AA). The aforementioned conclusion can be drawn based on an analysis conducted by UAAR reliant on data provided by the Ministry of Education and… Read more »