Starting today, Italians can send in their income tax forms and choose their preferred organization to receive 8‰ (eight one-thousandths, in Italy commonly known as 8×1000) of their income tax return. The Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics (Uaar), which has always fought for the abolition of this mechanism that drains public resources in favor of selected religious denominations, in the face of the usual lack of interest of the State for its share, invites taxpayers to express an… Read more »
Daily Archives: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
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- UAAR Donates Books to Support the Alternative Activity Program
- 8×1000 State Funds for School Buildings: UAAR Publishes the Data
- UAART Prize 2024: Guido Mitidieri is the Winner of the First Edition
- Flooding in Emilia-Romagna: 77 Out of 100 Voters Want the Region and Municipalities to Use 8×1000 Funds
- The “Family Portraits” Campaign Begins, With UAAR Joining In
- Crucifix: No Public Authority Can Impose Its Display