This is the request at the heart of the petition launched today on by the Italian Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics (UAAR). “With the current opaque 8×1000 mechanism, repeatedly condemned by the Court of Auditors, every year the state gives religious institutions a share that exceeds one billion euros”, reads the text of the petition: “Sign if you want more than a billion euros a year to remain to the State and be used for research and health, without paying… Read more »
Daily Archives: Thursday, May 7, 2020
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- UAAR Donates Books to Support the Alternative Activity Program
- 8×1000 State Funds for School Buildings: UAAR Publishes the Data
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- Flooding in Emilia-Romagna: 77 Out of 100 Voters Want the Region and Municipalities to Use 8×1000 Funds
- The “Family Portraits” Campaign Begins, With UAAR Joining In
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