A Stockholm nightclub has been asked to pay 30,000 kronor [circa 3000€, n.d.r.] in compensation to two lesbian women who were requested by a security guard to refrain from kissing.
HomO, the Ombudsman against Discrimination on grounds of Sexual Orientation, contacted the nightclub after receiving a complaint from the two women in question. The ombudsman dismissed as implausible the security guard’s claim that similar requests were also made to heterosexual couples.
After a failed attempt to reach a settlement, HomO has now decided to sue the nightclub for damages.
A similar incident occurred at a Stockholm restaurant in the summer of 2003. Two women were first issued a warning and then thrown out of a restaurant for kissing in the queue to the toilets.
The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, which decided in March of last year that the women had been discriminated against because of their sexual orientation.
The restaurant was ordered to pay 15,000 kronor to the woman who had reported the incident to HomO.
Svezia: risarcimento a due omosessuali da un pub (inglese)
4 commenti
Commenti chiusi.
eheheh quanto sono contento per le due donne!!! GRANDE!!!!
son cose che fanno sempre piacere
se le due donne fossero state buttate fuori da una chiesa, avrebbero ottenuto lo stesso l’indennizzo? E da una moschea, o da una sinagoga?
spero che lo avrebbero ottenuto anche in quel caso, lorenzo.